Holding Space For Grief and Joy During the Holidays

Written by

Amy Liebaert

Grief and Joy During the Holidays

The holidays are often depicted as a season filled with joy, celebration, and togetherness. But for many who have lost a loved one, this time of the year can feel emotionally challenging. At Cadence, we understand that grief doesn’t take a holiday. This season, we want to help you find ways to honor your grief while also leaving room for moments of joy.

Why Grief Is Often Amplified During The Holidays

The holiday season is more than just a day; it stretches over weeks filled with traditions, gatherings, and expectations. The familiar songs, decorations, and customs often bring cherished memories flooding back, but they also sharpen the absence of a loved one. For many, the empty seat at the table serves as a stark reminder of who is missing, turning once-joyful rituals into bittersweet experiences. 

The expectation to celebrate during this time often leaves little room for grief to be openly expressed or validated. For those navigating their grief journey, feelings may present like a tug-of-war between moments of happiness and waves of sadness, often accompanied by guilt for experiencing any semblance of joy.

On top of these emotional complexities, the season’s many social obligations can become overwhelming. Social batteries drain quickly when coupled with the heaviness of grief, making it difficult to be fully engaged during holiday activities. This creates a unique time for those navigating loss, as the holidays amplify both the love that remains and the absence that endures.

Tips for Navigating This Time

Grief is as individual as the person experiencing it. During the holidays, it’s important to embrace what feels right for you. Here are some ideas to help navigate this season with intention and care:

  1. Acknowledge and Accept Your Grief: Grief comes in waves, and it’s normal to feel a mix of emotions. Give yourself permission to feel both sadness and joy without judgment. You might find yourself keeping busy, withdrawing, or leaning into distraction. Recognize your tendencies and lean on those you trust to support you through them.
  2. Adapt Traditions to Suit Your Needs: Start a new tradition or modify an old one to reflect your current emotional space. If baking cookies was your loved one’s role, bake one of their recipes in their memory, or consider picking up a box from the store.
  3. Honor Their Memory: Light a candle, hang a memorial ornament, or set aside time to share stories about your loved one. Rituals like these can keep your loved one’s memory alive while creating new ways to connect with them.
  4. Lean on Your Support Network: Whether it’s a friend, family member, or support group, let others know how they can help. If conversations about your loved one bring comfort, or if you’d rather avoid the subject, don’t hesitate to share.
  5. Give Yourself the Option to Opt Out: If the thought of celebrating feels too overwhelming, it’s okay to skip the holidays altogether. A quiet day with a favorite hobby, a movie marathon, or even a solo getaway can provide solace. Honor your capacity and adjust plans as needed.

A Season of Support and Understanding

This holiday season, we wish you moments of peace and comfort amid the complexity of grief. Remember, it’s not about erasing the pain but about finding ways to coexist with it. At Cadence, we remain committed to supporting families in their grief, offering tools and resources that bring clarity, compassion, and connection during life’s most challenging times.

May you find both solace and joy in the small moments that honor your journey with grief.